Speeches and Statements

143 results

FSB Chair addresses IAIS annual meeting

FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles set out his support for the work of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) in a message to their annual conference in Abu Dhabi.

Resolution in an integrated global financial system: the role of operational continuity

Remarks by Dietrich Domanski at the Single Resolution Board annual conference, Bank Resolution: Turning Policy into Action, in Brussels.

The Financial Stability Board at 10 Years—Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Remarks by FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles at the European Banking Federation’s European Banking Summit in Brussels.

Government of Union: Achieving Certainty in Cross-Border Finance

Remarks by FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles at an FSB workshop on pre-positioning, ring-fencing, and market fragmentation in Philadelphia.

Three priorities for international regulatory and supervisory cooperation

Remarks by Dietrich Domanski at Eurofi in Helsinki.

Progress on the resolvability of G-SIBs – the FSB perspective

Remarks by FSB Vice Chair Klaas Knot at the 2nd SRM-EBF Boardroom Dialogue in Brussels.

FSB press briefing: Chair’s opening statement

Opening statement by FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles for an FSB press briefing.

The Financial Stability Board: Moving to the next phase

Article by FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles in the magazine Japan: The Osaka Summit published by the G20 Research Centre at the University of Toronto.

Corporate governance: a building block for financial resilience

Remarks by Dietrich Domanski at the G20/OECD Seminar on Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance in Today’s Capital Markets on 8 June in Fukuoka.

Cooperation for the common good

Remarks by Dietrich Domanski at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Monetary Authority of Singapore Symposium on Asian Banking and Finance in Singapore.