Speeches and Statements

143 results

The Challenge of Change: Global Insurance Trends

Keynote speech by Svein Andresen, Secretary General of the Financial Stability Board, at Insurance Europe 6th International Conference in Malta.

Inclusive Capitalism: Creating a Sense of the Systemic

Speech given by Mark Carney, Governor Bank of England and Chairperson of the Financial Stability Board at the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism, London.

The Regulatory Responses to the Crisis

Remarks by Luis M. Linde, Governor of the Bank of Spain, at the Fundación de Estudios Financieros meeting in Madrid, Spain.

Ending Too Big to Fail – Progress to Date and Remaining Issues

Speech given by Sir Jon Cunliffe, Deputy Governor Financial Stability of the Bank of England, at the Barclays European Bank Capital Summit in London, United Kingdom.

Rethinking the Aims of Prudential Regulation

Remarks by Daniel K. Tarullo, Member Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Statement by Mark Carney Chairman of the Financial Stability Board to the International Monetary and Financial Committee

This statement includes an assessment of current vulnerabilities in the global financial system, progress in financial reforms and highlights the remaining challenges.

Risk Management and Financial Reform

Remarks by Tiff Macklem, Senior Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada, at the Autorité des Marchés Financiers in Montreal, Quebec.

Statement by Mark Carney Chairman of the Financial Stability Board to the International Monetary and Financial Committee

This statement takes stock of the progress made in correcting the fault lines that led to the global financial crisis and outlines the major outstanding issues.

Financial System Reform

Remarks by Luis M. Linde, Governor of the Bank of Spain, at the inaugural meeting on Financial System Reform, organised by Expansión.

Statement by Mark Carney Chairman of the Financial Stability Board to the International Monetary and Financial Committee

This statement summarises the outcomes of the FSB meeting held in Tokyo on 10-11 October