Press Releases

739 results

FSB Chair writes to G20 Leaders ahead of the New Delhi Summit

The Chair outlines FSB work to address vulnerabilities within the financial system and address the financial stability implications of digitalisation and climate change; and calls for continued support as work to enhance cross-border payments shifts to focus on practical projects.

Final Reflections on the LIBOR Transition

FSB statement following the end of the remaining USD LIBOR panel at the end of June 2023.

FSB finalises global regulatory framework for crypto-asset activities

FSB publishes recommendations, constituting a regulatory and supervisory framework for crypto-assets and stablecoins.

FSB outlines next steps on climate roadmap, following the finalisation of the global sustainability disclosure standards

Report presents a consolidated update of the progress made by standard-setting bodies and international organisations to address climate-related financial risks and identifies areas that require further attention.

FSB Chair outlines work on recent banking turmoil and to finalise crypto-asset recommendations

FSB Chair’s letter outlines work to learn lessons from recent events in the banking sector and presents the FSB’s reports on crypto-assets, open-ended funds, third-party risk management and climate-related financial risks.

FSB Plenary meets in Frankfurt

FSB members discussed the outlook for global financial stability, preliminary lessons from the recent banking-sector turmoil, as well as the FSB’s deliverables to the July G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in India.

FSB consults on policies to address vulnerabilities from liquidity mismatch in open-ended funds

Proposed revisions incorporate lessons learnt since 2017 and aim to enhance the resilience of non-bank financial intermediation.

FSB welcomes publication of ISSB disclosures standards

FSB statement following the publication of the International Sustainability Standards Board‘s final standards on general sustainability-related disclosures and on climate-related disclosures.

FSB consults on toolkit for enhancing third-party risk management and oversight

FSB consults on toolkit for the management and oversight of risks related to financial institutions’ use of critical services provided by third-party service providers.

FSB Middle East and North Africa group discusses developments in financial markets and crypto-asset markets

FSB holds virtual meeting of the Regional Consultative Group for the Middle East and North Africa.