Press Releases

739 results

FSB completes Peer Review of Spain

The report finds that the Spanish financial system weathered the initial brunt of the financial crisis relatively well, primarily due to a strong regulatory stance and sound supervision.

FSB completes Peer Review of Italy

The report examines the steps taken or planned by national authorities to address Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) recommendations concerning financial regulation and supervision as well as institutional and market infrastructure.

G20 Leaders endorse FSB Policy Framework for Addressing Systemically Important Financial Institutions

Press Release: FSB Report on reducing the moral hazard posed by systemically important financial institutions

Financial Stability Board Reports to G20 Leaders on Global Financial Reforms

Financial Stability Board Proposes to Establish Regional Consultative Groups

Financial Stability Board Releases Report on Supervisory Intensity and Effectiveness

FSB Publishes Principles to Reduce Reliance on CRA Ratings

The goal of the principles is to reduce mechanistic reliance on CRA ratings and to incentivise improvements in independent credit risk assessment and due diligence capacity.

Financial Stability Board releases report on improving OTC derivatives markets

FSB Plenary meets in Seoul, South Korea

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) met today on key elements of financial reforms ahead of the G20 Summit in Seoul.

FSB Plenary meets in Paris, France

At its meeting in Paris today, the FSB reviewed risks and vulnerabilities affecting the global financial system and progress on the regulatory reform agenda under coordination by the FSB.