Press Releases

738 results

Appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Financial Stability Board

FSB Announces Policy Measures to Address Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs) and Names Initial Group of Global SIFIs

Global adherence to regulatory and supervisory standards on international cooperation and information exchange

FSB published Recommendations to Strengthen Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking

This report sets out general principles for designing and implementing regulatory measures to address the risks identified by the shadow banking monitoring process and describes work plans for five workstreams that will assess in more detail the case for further regulatory action.

FSB publishes Report on Consumer Finance Protection with Particular Focus on Credit

This report takes stock of efforts to enhance consumer protection policies with a focus on the financial stability aspects of consumer finance protection, narrowly covering policies relating to consumer credit.

FSB consults on FSB Principles for Sound Residential Mortgage Underwriting Practices

This consultative document aims to provide a framework for jurisdictions to set minimum acceptable residential mortgage underwriting standards. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 9 December 2011.

Report on Financial Stability Issues in Emerging Market and developing economies

FSB Publishes Framework for Monitoring and Reporting on the Implementation of G20 Financial Reforms

Report on the Assessment of the Macroeconomic Impact of Stronger Capital Requirements for G-SIBs

FSB publishes 2011 Thematic Review on Compensation Practices

This report finds that relevant authorities and firms have made good progress in implementing the FSB Principles and Standards but more work is necessary to achieve sound compensation practices.