The Financial Stability Board (FSB) this week reappointed Mark Carney as its Chairman, for a second term of three years.
Press Releases
740 results
7 November 2014
7 November 2014
The FSB has revamped its public website to make it easier to read and navigate on a wide variety of devices. As well, the site offers new ways of browsing and keeping apprised of FSB activities.
The FSB published today its eighth progress report on implementation of OTC derivatives market reforms.
6 November 2014
The FSB published today its annual update of the list of G-SIBs, using end-2013 data and the Basel Committee updated assessment methodology.
6 November 2014
The FSB published today its annual update of the list of G-SIIs, using end-2013 data and the assessment methodology developed by the IAIS.
4 November 2014
The FSB published today the third progress report on the implementation of the FSB Principles for Sound Compensation Practices and their Implementation Standards (P&S) by FSB jurisdictions.
The FSB publishes the results of its fourth annual monitoring exercise to assess global trends and risks of the shadow banking system. The report is accompanied by a comprehensive set of data at the national and aggregate level.
24 October 2014
The FSB hosted the seventh meeting of the FSB Regional Consultative Group for Europe in Basel, Switzerland.
17 October 2014
The FSB is seeking comments on its newly released Consultative Document: Guidance on Cooperation and Information Sharing with Host Authorities of Jurisdictions Not Represented on CMGs where a G-SIFI has a Systemic Presence.
16 October 2014
The FSB is seeking comments on its newly released consultative document: Recovery and Resolution Planning for Systemically Important Insurers – Guidance on Identification of Critical Functions and Critical Shared Services.