Press Releases

740 results

FSB publishes peer review on implementation of over-the-counter derivatives market reforms in Indonesia

Review finds authorities have made some progress in implementing over-the-counter derivatives reforms while developing their domestic derivatives market, but further steps can be taken in this area.

FSB Chair updates Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on the FSB’s key priorities for 2021

The FSB Chair outlines the FSB work programme for 2021, which seeks to address COVID-19 vulnerabilities and support strong, sustainable, and balanced growth in a post-COVID world.

FSB sets out 2021 work programme

FSB will remain vigilant to new and emerging risks to global financial stability, and support international cooperation and coordination on the COVID-19 response.

FSB encourages the IFRS Foundation and authorities to use TCFD’s recommendations as the basis for climate-related financial risk disclosures

FSB statement of support for using the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations as the basis for climate-related disclosures

FSB reports on global trends and risks in non-bank financial intermediation

Annual monitoring exercise to assess global trends and risks in non-bank financial intermediation.

FSB Americas group discusses financial market developments and enhancing cross-border payments

FSB holds virtual meeting of the Regional Consultative Group for Americas.

FSB Sub-Saharan Africa group discusses regional vulnerabilities and enhancing cross-border payments

FSB holds virtual meeting of the Regional Consultative Group for Sub-Saharan Africa.

FSB examines financial stability implications of climate change

FSB analyses how climate-related risks might impact, or be amplified by, the financial system, including across borders.

FSB sets out progress on interest rate benchmark reform

Work for transitioning away from LIBOR needs to accelerate in early 2021.

FSB highlights need for resolution preparedness

Report sets out progress on implementation of reforms to make financial institutions resolvable.