
98 results

Call for nominations: academic subject matter expert

FSB seeks academic experts to help assess effects of reforms to OTC derivatives market.

FSB launches recruitment for Secretary General position

Deadline for applications is 25 August 2017.

FSB RCG for Europe discusses regional financial developments, financial regulatory reform implementation and digital currency

FSB holds meeting of RCG for Europe in Oslo.

Enhanced Disclosure Task Force completes its work

Following the completion of its third progress report the FSB announces that the EDTF’s work is complete.

Alexandre Tombini appointed as Chair of the FSB’s Standing Committee on Budget and Resources

SCBR is responsible for the assessment of the resource needs of the FSB Secretariat and for its medium-term budget and resource framework.

Chair’s letter to the G20: Financial Reforms – Achieving and Sustaining Resilience for All

This letter from the FSB Chair to the G20 Leaders in advance of the Antalya Summit reports on progress on the FSB’s work and highlights issues that demand the attention of Leaders.

FSB Chair Mark Carney to hold briefing session in advance of the G20 Summit to update on the FSB’s work

FSB to host briefing session in advance of the G20 Summit to provide an update on its work.

Press briefing invitation: Financial Stability Board Briefing in Basel

Press release: FSB to host briefing session in advance of the G20 Summit to provide an update on its work.

IAIS Develops Higher Loss Absorbency (HLA) Requirement for Global Systemically Important Insurers

IAIS publishes HLA requirement for G-SIIs.

FSB and IOSCO publish Public Responses to the Second Consultative Document on NBNI G-SIFI Assessment Methodologies

FSB and IOSCO publish public responses to the March 2015 second consultative document on assessment methodologies for identifying non-bank non-insurer global systemically important financial institutions.