
983 results

FSB Chair addresses IAIS annual meeting

FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles set out his support for the work of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) in a message to their annual conference in Abu Dhabi.

FSB Europe group discusses regional vulnerabilities, stablecoins, financial benchmark reform and crisis simulations

FSB holds meeting of Regional Consultative Group for Europe in Basel.

FSB Plenary meets in Paris

FSB Plenary meets in Paris to review vulnerabilities in the global financial system, discuss FinTech developments and ongoing work, and agree its work programme for 2020.

FSB Americas group discusses regional vulnerabilities, non-bank financial intermediation, stablecoins and cyber incidents

FSB holds meeting of Regional Consultative Group for the Americas in Mexico City.

FSB sets out work to consider regulatory issues of stablecoins

FSB to publish consultation on stablecoins in April.

FSB publishes annual report on implementation and effects of financial regulatory reforms

Report calls for continued G20 support in implementing the agreed reforms and reinforcing global regulatory cooperation.

FSB reports on implementation of OTC derivative reforms

Annual progress report shows that implementation of derivatives reforms has plateaued.

FSB updates on market fragmentation work

FSB updates on its work related to market fragmentation.

FSB Chair reports to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

Letter highlights FSB’s work to ensure resilience in the face of new risks.

FSB and IMF publish 2019 Progress Report on G20 Data Gaps Initiative

Report shows progress implementing DGI-2 but flags the need for continued efforts to meet the 2021 deadline.