Review finds authorities have made some progress in implementing over-the-counter derivatives reforms while developing their domestic derivatives market, but further steps can be taken in this area.
983 results
26 February 2021
25 February 2021
The FSB Chair outlines the FSB work programme for 2021, which seeks to address COVID-19 vulnerabilities and support strong, sustainable, and balanced growth in a post-COVID world.
20 January 2021
FSB will remain vigilant to new and emerging risks to global financial stability, and support international cooperation and coordination on the COVID-19 response.
21 December 2020
FSB statement of support for using the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations as the basis for climate-related disclosures
Annual monitoring exercise to assess global trends and risks in non-bank financial intermediation.
9 December 2020
Main takeaways of the 23 September 2020 outreach meeting on continuity of access to FMIs for firms in resolution
8 December 2020
FSB holds virtual meeting of the Regional Consultative Group for Americas.
3 December 2020
FSB holds virtual meeting of the Regional Consultative Group for Sub-Saharan Africa.
1 December 2020