Monitoring the Technical Implementation of the FSB Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) Standard: Call for public feedback

FSB call for public feedback as part of its work to monitor implementation of the bail-in standard.

FSB seeks feedback on technical implementation of the TLAC standard

The review will monitor implementation and identify any technical issues or operational challenges in the implementation of the bail-in standard.

Thematic peer review on bank resolution planning: Summary Terms of Reference

Objectives, scope and process for the thematic peer review of bank resolution planning.

FSB launches thematic peer review on bank resolution planning and invites feedback from stakeholders

The FSB is seeking feedback from stakeholders as part of its peer review on bank resolution planning, which forms a key component of the FSB’s policy framework to address the risk of too-big-to-fail.

Public responses to the consultation on Funding Strategy Elements of an Implementable Resolution Plan

Consultation responses to ‘Funding Strategy Elements of an Implementable Resolution Plan'.

Public responses to the consultation on Principles on Bail-in Execution

Consultation responses to ‘Principles on Bail-in Execution'.

Funding Strategy Elements of an Implementable Resolution Plan

Consultation on guidance to support the development of plans for G-SIB funding in resolution.

Principles on Bail-in Execution

Consultation on principles to assist authorities to operationalise G-SIB resolution strategies.

FSB consults on proposed guidance to support resolution planning and promote resolvability

Consultations provide guidance on implementation of the Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for global systemically important banks (G-SIBs).

FSB publishes 2017 G-SIB list

FSB releases 2017 list of global systemically important banks.


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