The FSB welcomes the announcement today by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) of the agreement of a protocol to the ISDA Master Agreement as an important step to improve the effectiveness of cross-border resolution actions.
Resolution and Crisis Management
29 September 2014
The FSB invites comments on this consultative document, including responses to the questions. Comments and responses should be sent to [email protected] by 1 December 2014.
29 September 2014
This consultative document contains a set of proposals to achieve cross-border recognition of resolution actions and remove impediments to resolution. Comments are welcomed by 1 December 2014.
28 February 2014
This report examines topics that are relevant for financial stability and important for Indonesia: its evolving regulatory structure and crisis management
Public comments received on the consultative document issued on 28 August 2013.
11 November 2013
The FSB and the BCBS have updated the list of G-SIBs, using end-2012 data and an updated assessment methodology published by the BCBS in July 2013.
Public comments received on the consultative document on the application of the Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes to non-bank financial institutions published on 12 August 2013.
25 October 2013
Feedback received from entities on the consultative document on Information sharing for resolution purposes published on 12 August 2013.
This report sets out the next steps for completing the policy measures and end the “Too Big To Fail” problem.
2 September 2013
This report sets out the next steps for completing the policy measures and end the “Too Big To Fail” problem.