Resolution and Crisis Management

FSB publishes the 2015 update of the G-SII list

FSB publishes 2015 list of global systemically important insurers.

Meeting of the Financial Stability Board in London on 25 September

FSB plenary meets to discuss policy measures to end too-big-to-fail, concerns on market liquidity, shadow banking, derivatives, misconduct risks, audit and climate change.

Progress report on work to enhance CCP resilience

FSB and SSBs publish update on progress in their joint workplan to make CCPs more resilient.

2015 CCP Workplan

The 2015 CCP Workplan agreed by the FSB and SSBs to ensure effective coordination of policy work to make CCPs more resilient.

Progress Report on the CCP Workplan

The FSB and SSBs provide a progress report on work to enhance the resilience, recovery planning and resolvability of CCPs.

FSB launches second peer review on resolution regimes and invites feedback from stakeholders

The FSB invites feedback from financial institutions, industry and consumer associations as well as other stakeholders on the implementation of reforms to resolution regimes in the areas covered by the second peer review on resolution regimes.

Abbreviated terms of reference for second thematic peer review on resolution regimes

This document outlines the proposed objectives, scope, approach and process for the second thematic peer review of resolution regimes.

Public responses to the November 2014 consultative document ‘Adequacy of Loss-Absorbing Capacity of Global Systemically Important Banks in resolution’

Comments on the Consultative Document of 10 November 2014 “Adequacy of loss-absorbing capacity of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) in resolution”

FSB completes Peer Review of Russia

The FSB published today the findings of the peer review of Russia.

Peer Review of Russia

The peer review examines topics that are relevant for financial stability and important for Russia: macroprudential policy framework and tools, and the bank resolution framework.


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