Resolution and Crisis Management

Chairs’ Report on the Implementation of the Joint Workplan for Strengthening the Resilience, Recovery and Resolvability of Central Counterparties

Update on the work by the FSB, CPMI, IOSCO and BCBS to strengthen the resilience, recovery and resolution of central counterparties.

Analysis of Central Clearing Interdependencies

Report that analyses the interdependencies between CCPs, their clearing members and other financial service providers.

Implementation and Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms – Dashboard

Dashboard from the third annual report to G20 Leaders on the implementation status of priority reform areas.

Implementation and Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms: Third Annual Report

Third annual report to G20 Leaders on the implementation and effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms.

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Leaders – building a safer, simpler and fairer financial system

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Leaders ahead of their meeting in Hamburg on 7-8 July.

FSB reports to G20 Leaders on progress in financial regulatory reforms

FSB publishes annual report, Chair’s letter and framework for evaluation of reforms ahead of G20 Leaders’ Summit.

FSB Regional Consultative Group for Asia discusses financial stability issues

FSB holds meeting of RCG for Asia in Bangkok.

FSB RCG for the Americas discusses regional issues, resolution, correspondent banking and FinTech

FSB holds meeting of RCG for the Americas in Santiago.

Keynote speech: What a Difference a Decade Makes

Keynote speech by Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England and Chair of the Financial Stability Board, at the Institute of International Finance’s Washington Policy Summit, on 20 April 2017.  

Ten years on: fixing the fault lines of the global financial crisis

Article by Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England and Chair of the Financial Stability Board, for the Banque de France Financial Stability Review 2017.  


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