Resolution and Crisis Management

Peer Review of Hong Kong

Peer review examines Hong Kong’s implementation of OTC derivative market reforms and the framework for resolution of financial institutions.

Public responses to the consultation on Funding Strategy Elements of an Implementable Resolution Plan

Consultation responses to ‘Funding Strategy Elements of an Implementable Resolution Plan'.

Public responses to the consultation on Principles on Bail-in Execution

Consultation responses to ‘Principles on Bail-in Execution'.

FSB completes peer review of Singapore

Peer review examines Singapore’s frameworks for macroprudential policy and resolution of financial institutions.

Peer Review of Singapore

Peer review examines Singapore’s frameworks for macroprudential policy and resolution of financial institutions.

Key Attributes Assessment Methodology for the Insurance Sector: Consultative Document

Consultation on a methodology to assess implementation of the FSB’s Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes in relation to the insurance sector.

FSB consults on methodology for assessing the implementation of the Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes in the insurance sector

Methodology will be used to assess implementation of international standard on resolution regimes for insurers.

Peer Review of Korea

Peer review examines Korea’s crisis management and resolution framework, and the regulation and supervision of non-bank depository institutions.

FSB completes peer review of Korea

FSB peer review of Korea examines the crisis management and resolution framework, and the regulation and supervision of non-bank depository institutions.

Funding Strategy Elements of an Implementable Resolution Plan

Consultation on guidance to support the development of plans for G-SIB funding in resolution.


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