Resolution and Crisis Management

FSB Chair reports to G20 Leaders ahead of the Buenos Aires Summit

Chair’s letter sets out the transitions that have occurred in 2018 and the FSB’s delivery against its four priorities for the year.

FSB publishes 2018 G-SIB list

FSB releases 2018 list of global systemically important banks.

2018 list of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs)

29 banks identified as G-SIBs through the annual identification process.

Financial resources to support CCP resolution and the treatment of CCP equity in resolution

Discussion paper on considerations for evaluating whether existing financial resources and tools are adequate to implement resolution strategies for CCPs.

FSB 2018 Resolution Report: “Keeping the pressure up“

Annual report on the implementation of the reforms to help end “too-big-to-fail“”.

FSB publishes 2018 Resolution Report and publicly consults on financial resources to support CCP resolution

Implementation of resolution regimes most advanced for banks and progress is less advanced for insurers and CCPs.

Release of IAIS proposed holistic framework for the assessment and mitigation of systemic risk in the insurance sector and implications for the identification of G-SIIs and for G-SII policy measures

FSB statement on global systemically important insurers.

FSB welcomes IAIS proposed insurance systemic risk framework and decides not to engage in an identification of G-SIIs in 2018

A new holistic framework will provide an enhanced basis for mitigating systemic risk in the insurance sector.

Public responses to the call for public feedback on Monitoring the Technical Implementation of the FSB Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) Standard

Public responses to ‘Monitoring the Technical Implementation of the FSB Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) Standard'

Study highlights continued central clearing interdependencies

CCP resources and central clearing exposures are concentrated at a small number of financial institutions.


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