Resolution and Crisis Management

FSB Report on Market Fragmentation

Report to the G20 on actions to address market fragmentation.

FSB publishes report on market fragmentation

Report identifies several areas for further work to address fragmentation in the global financial system.

Solvent Wind-down of Derivatives and Trading Portfolios: Discussion Paper for Public Consultation

Proposals for guidance on the effective recovery and resolution of G-SIBs with large derivatives portfolios.

Public Disclosure of Resolution Planning and Resolvability: Discussion Paper for Public Consultation

Proposals for guidance on public disclosure of measures to implement G-SIB recovery and resolution regimes.

FSB publicly consults on resolution-related disclosures and on the operationalisation of bank recovery and resolution

Consultations consider how public disclosures and measures to allow for the wind-down of derivatives portfolios could improve the resolvability of G-SIBs.

Evaluation of too-big-to-fail reforms: Summary Terms of Reference

Information on the objectives, scope and process of the evaluation of reforms to reduce systemic and moral hazard risks associated with systemically important banks.

FSB launches evaluation of too-big-to-fail reforms and invites feedback from stakeholders

Evaluation will assess whether the implemented reforms are reducing the systemic and moral hazard risks associated with systemically important banks.

Thematic Peer Review on Bank Resolution Planning

Review of bank resolution planning in FSB member jurisdictions.

FSB publishes peer review on bank resolution planning

Peer review documents progress made to date and finds that important work remains to ensure that bank resolution planning frameworks are effective.

FSB Plenary meets in New York

FSB Plenary meets in New York to discuss current vulnerabilities in the global financial system and progress under its 2019 work programme.


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