The FSB invites feedback on areas covered in the review, including amongst others, assessment of financial stability risks posed by shadow bank entities and policy tools to mitigate these risks.
Peer Reviews
2 July 2015
This document outlines the proposed objectives, scope, approach and process for the thematic peer review on the implementation of the FSB policy framework for "other shadow banking entities".
The FSB published today the peer review report on national authorities’ implementation of the FSB recommendations for more effective supervision, in particular for G-SIBs.
The review assesses progress towards implementing the FSB recommendations for more effective supervision since the financial crisis, in particular for G-SIBs.
13 April 2015
The FSB invites feedback from financial institutions, industry and consumer associations as well as other stakeholders on the implementation of reforms to resolution regimes in the areas covered by the second peer review on resolution regimes.
This document outlines the proposed objectives, scope, approach and process for the second thematic peer review of resolution regimes.
12 March 2015
This document describes the objectives and sets out guidelines for the conduct of FSB peer reviews.
2 February 2015
The FSB published today the findings of the peer review of Russia.
2 February 2015
The peer review examines topics that are relevant for financial stability and important for Russia: macroprudential policy framework and tools, and the bank resolution framework.
11 November 2014
The peer review examines topics that are relevant for financial stability and important for the Netherlands: macroprudential policy framework and tools,
and crisis management and bank resolution.