Peer Reviews

Thematic peer review on corporate governance – Summary Terms of Reference

This document outlines the objectives, scope, approach and process for the thematic peer review on the implementation of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.

FSB launches peer review of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and invites feedback from stakeholders

FSB invites feedback on areas covered in the review, including amongst others, ensuring the basis for an effective governance framework and the responsibilities of the board.

FSB publishes Thematic Review on the Implementation of the FSB Policy Framework for Shadow Banking Entities

Peer review evaluates progress by FSB jurisdictions in implementing the FSB Policy Framework for shadow banking entities.

Thematic Review on the Implementation of the FSB Policy Framework for Shadow Banking Entities

This thematic review evaluates the progress made by FSB jurisdictions in implementing the FSB Policy Framework for Strengthening Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking Entities.

Thematic Review on the Implementation of the FSB Policy Framework for Shadow Banking Entities – Jurisdiction summaries

Jurisdiction-specific summaries on implementation of the FSB Policy Framework for Strengthening Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking Entities.

FSB publishes Second Thematic Peer Review on Resolution Regimes

Peer review evaluates progress in implementing reforms to bank resolution regimes in FSB jurisdictions.

Second Thematic Review on Resolution Regimes

This thematic peer review examines bank resolution powers, as well as any requirements for recovery and resolution planning and resolvability assessments for domestically incorporated banks, in FSB jurisdictions.

Peer Review of Turkey

The peer review examines two topics relevant for financial stability and important for Turkey: the macroprudential policy framework and tools; and bank resolution.

FSB completes Peer Review of Turkey

The FSB publishes the findings of the peer review of Turkey.

FSB completes Peer Review of Saudi Arabia

The FSB published today the findings of the peer review of Saudi Arabia.


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