Peer Reviews

FSB launches thematic peer review on bank resolution planning and invites feedback from stakeholders

The FSB is seeking feedback from stakeholders as part of its peer review on bank resolution planning, which forms a key component of the FSB’s policy framework to address the risk of too-big-to-fail.

FSB peer review of Hong Kong completes first round of country reviews

Hong Kong peer review examines implementation of OTC derivative market reforms and framework for resolution of financial institutions.

Peer Review of Hong Kong

Peer review examines Hong Kong’s implementation of OTC derivative market reforms and the framework for resolution of financial institutions.

FSB completes peer review of Singapore

Peer review examines Singapore’s frameworks for macroprudential policy and resolution of financial institutions.

Peer Review of Singapore

Peer review examines Singapore’s frameworks for macroprudential policy and resolution of financial institutions.

Peer Review of Korea

Peer review examines Korea’s crisis management and resolution framework, and the regulation and supervision of non-bank depository institutions.

FSB completes peer review of Korea

FSB peer review of Korea examines the crisis management and resolution framework, and the regulation and supervision of non-bank depository institutions.

Peer Review of Argentina

Peer review examines Argentina’s macroprudential policy framework and the framework for crisis management and resolution.

FSB completes peer review of Argentina

FSB publishes a peer review of Argentina, which focused on the macroprudential policy framework and the framework for crisis management and resolution.

FSB completes peer review of France

FSB publishes the findings of the peer review of France, which focused on the macroprudential policy framework and public disclosure of financial sector data.


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