Peer Reviews

Peer Review of the United Kingdom

Peer review on implementation of financial sector compensation reforms in the UK.

FSB publishes peer review on the implementation of financial sector compensation reforms in the United Kingdom

Review finds that implementation of financial sector compensation reforms is well-advanced and some of the approaches used could serve as examples of good practice for other jurisdictions.

FSB publishes peer review on implementation of over-the-counter derivatives market reforms in Indonesia

Review finds authorities have made some progress in implementing over-the-counter derivatives reforms while developing their domestic derivatives market, but further steps can be taken in this area.

Peer Review of Indonesia

Peer review on implementation of over-the-counter derivatives market reforms in Indonesia.

FSB publishes peer review on macroprudential policy framework and tools in Germany

Review finds good progress in advancing the macroprudential policy framework in Germany and recommends actions to strengthen it further.

Peer Review of Germany

Peer review of Germany’s macroprudential policy framework and tools, including for non-bank financial intermediation.

FSB publishes peer review on implementation of over-the-counter derivatives reforms in Mexico

Report finds that the Mexican financial authorities have made good overall progress in their implementation of OTC derivatives reforms.

Peer Review of Mexico

Peer review on implementation of the reforms to OTC derivatives markets in Mexico.

Peer Review of South Africa

Peer review of the framework for bank resolution and deposit insurance in South Africa.

FSB publishes peer review on implementation of bank resolution and deposit insurance reforms in South Africa

Review finds authorities have applied the lessons from recent bank failures to inform reforms.


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