Peer review will take stock of the measures adopted by FSB member jurisdictions to enhance money market fund (MMF) resilience, including those jurisdictions’ evidence-based explanation of relevant MMF vulnerabilities and policy choices made.
Peer Reviews
Peer review examines the range of approaches in FSB jurisdictions to facilitate corporate restructurings using out-of-court frameworks, including in response to COVID-19.
Review examines FSB member jurisdictions’ practices, experiences and lessons from out-of-court corporate debt workouts.
Objectives, scope and process for the thematic peer review on corporate debt workouts.
28 June 2021
The review seeks to support COVID-19 response efforts by examining FSB member jurisdictions’ practices, experiences and lessons from out of court debt workouts, and the implications for financial stability.
14 April 2021
Peer review on implementation of financial sector compensation reforms in the UK.
14 April 2021
Review finds that implementation of financial sector compensation reforms is well-advanced and some of the approaches used could serve as examples of good practice for other jurisdictions.
26 February 2021
Review finds authorities have made some progress in implementing over-the-counter derivatives reforms while developing their domestic derivatives market, but further steps can be taken in this area.
26 February 2021
Peer review on implementation of over-the-counter derivatives market reforms in Indonesia.
Review finds good progress in advancing the macroprudential policy framework in Germany and recommends actions to strengthen it further.