The report finds that the Spanish financial system weathered the initial brunt of the financial crisis relatively well, primarily due to a strong regulatory stance and sound supervision.
Peer Reviews
7 February 2011
7 February 2011
The report examines the steps taken or planned by national authorities to address Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) recommendations concerning financial regulation and supervision as well as institutional and market infrastructure.
7 February 2011
The report examines the steps taken or planned by national authorities to address FSAP recommendations concerning financial regulation and supervision as well as institutional and market infrastructure.
7 February 2011
This report assesses Italy's progress toward enhancing banking supervision; strengthening the insurance supervisor; and expanding requirements on corporate governance, disclosure, and investor protection.
27 September 2010
At its meeting in Paris today, the FSB reviewed risks and vulnerabilities affecting the global financial system and progress on the regulatory reform agenda under coordination by the FSB.
27 September 2010
The report finds that Mexico has made impressive progress in recent years in upgrading its financial regulatory and supervisory framework to bring it further in line with international standards and good practices.
27 September 2010
This report canvasses several issues where the experience of Mexico is relevant to the regulatory and supervisory challenges that other FSB members are facing.
20 September 2010
This report finds that significant progress has been made in incorporating the FSB Principles and Standards into domestic regulatory and supervisory frameworks.
30 March 2010