Peer Reviews

Thematic Review on Compensation (2011)

This report assesses the progress made by national authorities and significant financial institutions in implementing the Principles and Standards, as well as their impact on compensation practices at firms.

FSB publishes 2011 Thematic Review on Compensation Practices

This report finds that relevant authorities and firms have made good progress in implementing the FSB Principles and Standards but more work is necessary to achieve sound compensation practices.

Peer Review of Australia

This report assesses Australia's progress in addressing issues highlighted by the FSAP in areas such as resolution and crisis management, banking supervision, securities regulation, and insurance supervision.

FSB completes Peer Review of Australia

The report finds that significant and commendable progress has been made in addressing FSAP recommendations across all financial sectors, but there remains scope for further progress in a few areas.

FSB launches peer review on deposit insurance systems and invites feedback from stakeholders

FSB launches second peer review on compensation practices and invites feedback from stakeholders

Thematic Review on Risk Disclosure Practices

This thematic review assesses implementation of these recommendations by the 24 FSB member jurisdictions and by the major financial institutions located in those jurisdictions.

Thematic Review of Mortgage Underwriting and Origination Practices

The report takes stock of existing mortgage underwriting practices and provides a framework for jurisdictions to set minimum acceptable underwriting standards.

FSB completes Thematic Review of Risk Disclosure Practices

The review finds that FSB member jurisdictions have successfully prompted financial institutions to improve their disclosure of exposures to structured credit products.

FSB publishes Thematic Review on Residential Mortgage Underwriting and Origination Practices

The peer review report provides a comprehensive picture of existing mortgage underwriting practices and regulatory oversight and enforcement to implement such practices.


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