Peer Reviews

Peer Review of Switzerland

Peer review examines Switzerland’s implementation of too-big-to-fail reforms for global systemically important banks (G-SIBs).

FSB recommends further strengthening of the framework for global systemically important banks in Switzerland

Peer review assesses Switzerland’s implementation of too-big-to-fail reforms for global systemically important banks and outlines recommendations to further strengthen its framework.

Thematic Review on Money Market Fund Reforms: Peer review report

Peer review takes stock of the measures adopted or planned by FSB member jurisdictions in response to the FSB’s 2021 Policy Proposals to Enhance Money Markey Fund Resilience.

Peer Review of Italy

Peer review assesses Italy’s experience in reducing non-performing loans in the Italian banking sector

FSB examines Italy’s progress in reducing non-performing loans in its banking sector

Review notes Italy’s success in reducing NPLs on bank balance sheets and suggests further steps to preserve and build on this progress.

Thematic Peer Review on Money Market Fund Reforms: Request for public feedback

Peer review will take stock of the measures adopted by FSB member jurisdictions to enhance money market fund (MMF) resilience, including those jurisdictions’ evidence-based explanation of relevant MMF vulnerabilities and policy choices made.

FSB publishes peer review on out-of-court corporate debt workouts

Peer review examines the range of approaches in FSB jurisdictions to facilitate corporate restructurings using out-of-court frameworks, including in response to COVID-19.

Thematic Review on Out-of-Court Corporate Debt Workouts

Review examines FSB member jurisdictions’ practices, experiences and lessons from out-of-court corporate debt workouts.

Thematic Peer Review on Corporate Debt Workouts: Summary Terms of Reference

Objectives, scope and process for the thematic peer review on corporate debt workouts.

FSB launches thematic peer review on corporate debt workouts and invites feedback from stakeholders

The review seeks to support COVID-19 response efforts by examining FSB member jurisdictions’ practices, experiences and lessons from out of court debt workouts, and the implications for financial stability.


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