OTC Derivatives

FSB Plenary meets in Rome, Italy

At its meeting in Rome today, the FSB assessed vulnerabilities affecting the financial system, and made decisions needed to progress major initiatives to strengthen the resiliency of the financial system.

Implementing OTC Derivatives Market Reforms

This report sets out 21 recommendations to guide authorities in implementing the G20 Leaders’ commitments to reform global OTC derivatives markets.

Financial Stability Board releases report on improving OTC derivatives markets

FSB Plenary meets in Seoul, South Korea

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) met today on key elements of financial reforms ahead of the G20 Summit in Seoul.

FSB Plenary meets in Paris, France

At its meeting in Paris today, the FSB reviewed risks and vulnerabilities affecting the global financial system and progress on the regulatory reform agenda under coordination by the FSB.

The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps – Action Plans and Timetables

This report sets out a summary table of the progress to date, and the proposed action plans going forward, with timetables, in addressing the 20 G20 endorsed recommendations.

The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps

The report identifies the main financial and economic information gaps based on the experience of the recent financial crisis and presents recommendations for closing them.


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