This letter from the FSB Chair to the G20 Leaders in advance of the Antalya Summit reports on progress on the FSB’s work and highlights issues that demand the attention of Leaders.
Non-bank financial intermediation
9 November 2015
9 November 2015
FSB Chair updates the G20 on the implementation and effects of financial regulatory reforms.
Dashboard from the first annual report to the G20 on the implementation and effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms.
30 October 2015
FSB RCG Americas report highlights the growth of shadow banking in the region and the importance of investment funds.
25 September 2015
FSB plenary meets to discuss policy measures to end too-big-to-fail, concerns on market liquidity, shadow banking, derivatives, misconduct risks, audit and climate change.
22 September 2015
FSB and IMF publish the sixth annual report highlighting significant progress in addressing data gaps identified in the global financial crisis.
13 August 2015
The FSB publishes the findings of the peer review of China.
13 August 2015
The peer review examines two topics relevant for financial stability and important for China: the macroprudential management framework and non-bank credit intermediation.
The FSB invites feedback on areas covered in the review, including amongst others, assessment of financial stability risks posed by shadow bank entities and policy tools to mitigate these risks.
2 July 2015
This document outlines the proposed objectives, scope, approach and process for the thematic peer review on the implementation of the FSB policy framework for "other shadow banking entities".