Recommendations focus on open-ended fund liquidity mismatch, investment fund leverage, operational risk and securities lending.
Non-bank financial intermediation
12 January 2017
17 November 2016
FSB Plenary meets to discuss emerging vulnerabilities, implementation and effects of reforms, market-based finance, CCP resolution, G-SIFIs, climate risk disclosure, correspondent banking, misconduct and FinTech.
Public responses received to the June 2016 consultative document “Proposed Policy Recommendations to Address Structural Vulnerabilities from Asset Management Activities”.
Progress report on agreed action plans to address data gaps.
FSB and IMF report on action plans to take forward the second phase of work to address data gaps.
31 August 2016
FSB report shows reforms are working and no major unintended consequences from the G20 financial regulatory reforms.
FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Leaders in advance of their meeting in Hangzhou on 4-5 September.
The second annual report to G20 on the implementation and effects of the agreed financial regulatory reforms.
Dashboard from the second annual report to the G20 on the status of implementation by FSB jurisdictions in priority reform areas.
Letter from the FSB Chair to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors provides an update on progress in advancing the FSB priorities for 2016.