Institutional and Market Infrastructure

Principles on bail-in execution

This guidance sets out principles for authorities to consider as they develop plans for the effective execution of bail-in resolution strategies for global systemically important banks (G-SIBs). The principles may also be applicable to firms other than G-SIBs to the extent that the application of bail-in powers is envisaged under the authorities’ resolution strategy for those firms.

Strategy to reduce the risk of wholesale payments fraud related to endpoint security

A high-level strategy to reduce the risk of wholesale payments fraud related to endpoint security.

Regulatory Reporting and Public Transparency in the Secondary Corporate Bond Markets

The recommendations emphasize the importance of ensuring the availability of corporate bond information, both to regulators in the form of reporting and to the public in the form of transparency requirements, thus enhancing pre-trade and post-trade transparency.

Guidance on AML/CFT measures and financial inclusion, with a supplement on customer due diligence

The objective of this updated FATF report is to encourage countries to make use of the FATF Recommendations’ flexibility to provide sound financial services to the financially excluded.

Guidance on private sector information sharing

This FATF guidance sets out the obstacles related to effective exchange of information between financial institutions, articulates the requirements of the FATF Recommendations in this context and aims to improve effective information sharing.

Harmonisation of the unique product identifier – technical guidance

This CPMI-IOSCO report provides technical guidance to authorities to enable them to set rules on assigning uniform global Unique Product Identifiers (UPI) to products involved in OTC derivatives transactions.

Recovery of financial market infrastructures

This report is a revision of the October 2014 CPMI-IOSCO report on Recovery of financial market infrastructures, and is intended to further strengthen recovery arrangements for financial market infrastructures.

Resilience of central counterparties (CCPs): further guidance on the PFMI – final report

The purpose of this CPMI-IOSCO report is to provide guidance on certain principles and key considerations of the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI) relating to CCP financial risk management.

Harmonisation of the unique transaction identifier – technical guidance

This CPMI-IOSCO report provides technical guidance to authorities to enable them to set rules on assigning uniform global Unique Transaction Identifiers (UTIs) to over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives transactions.

Correspondent banking

The CPMI sets out five recommendations to help alleviate some of the costs and concerns affecting correspondent banking activities.


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