Implementation Monitoring

FSB G20 Monitoring Progress Germany Sep 2011

FSB G20 Monitoring Progress UK Sep 2011

FSB G20 Monitoring Progress Hong Kong Sep 2011

FSB G20 Monitoring Progress US Sep 2011

FSB Publishes Framework for Monitoring and Reporting on the Implementation of G20 Financial Reforms

A Coordination Framework for Monitoring the Implementation of Agreed G20/FSB Financial Reforms

FSB Plenary meets in Zurich, Switzerland

At its meeting today, the FSB reviewed and approved a number of policy proposals to be submitted to the G20 Summit in November, including on a package of measures to address the “too big to fail” problem.

FSB Plenary meets in Paris, France

At its meeting in Paris today, the FSB assessed vulnerabilities affecting the financial system and the progress of initiatives in a variety of policy areas to address them. The meeting also approved the finalised arrangements for the establishment of Regional Consultative Groups to broaden the range of countries involved in the FSB’s work.

Saudi Arabia

Progress in the Implementation of the G20 Recommendations for Strengthening Financial Stability

This report provides an overview of work underway to implement the G20 recommendations for strengthening financial stability. It focuses on international policy development and implementation that has taken place since the G20 Finance Ministers and Governors meeting in February 2011.


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