Impact Assessments

FSB Europe Group discusses private credit, financial and operational vulnerabilities and securitisation

FSB holds meeting of the Regional Consultative Group for Europe in Munich.

Summary of Findings from the TLAC Impact Assessment Studies

A summary of the impact assessment studies conducted as part of the finalisation of the TLAC standard.

TLAC Quantitative Impact Study Report

A BCBS report to analyse the impact of external and internal TLAC requirements, including shortfall analysis for G-SIBs and holdings of TLAC instruments by G-SIBs and non-G-SIBs.

Assessing the economic costs and benefits of TLAC implementation

An assessment of the micro- and macroeconomic costs and benefits of TLAC conducted by a group of experts chaired by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

Historical Losses and Recapitalisation Needs: Findings report

An analysis of historical losses and public recapitalisation needs for selected systemically important financial institutions that failed.

FSB releases progress report on reducing misconduct risk in the finance industry

FSB releases update on actions to reduce misconduct risks in the financial industry.

FSB Launches Quantitative Impact Study (QIS2) on Proposed Regulatory Framework for Haircuts on Securities Financing Transactions

The FSB is launching today the second-stage of its two-stage quantitative impact study (QIS) on the proposed regulatory framework for securities financing transactions.

FSB Launches Quantitative Impact Study (QIS2) on Proposed Regulatory Framework for Haircuts on Securities Financing Transactions

Instructions for the Quantitative Impact Study (QIS2) for Regulated Financial Intermediaries (Banks and Broker-Dealers)

On 29 August, the FSB published the report Policy Framework for Addressing Shadow Banking Risks in Securities Lending and Repos (hereafter August Report) that set out policy recommendations for addressing financial stability risks in relation to securities lending and repos.1It also included proposals on minimum standards for methodologies to calculate haircuts on non-centrally cleared securities […]

Instructions for the Quantitative Impact Study (QIS2) for Agent Securities Lenders

On 29 August, the FSB published the report Policy Framework for Addressing Shadow Banking Risks in Securities Lending and Repos (hereafter August Report) that set out policy recommendations for addressing financial stability risks in relation to securities lending and repos.1It also included proposals on minimum standards for methodologies to calculate haircuts on non-centrally cleared securities […]


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