Financial Regulation and Supervision

Consolidated Basel Framework – supervisory review process (SRP)

The Pillar 2 supervisory review process ensures that banks have adequate capital and liquidity to support all the risks in their business, especially with respect to risks not fully captured by the Pillar 1 process, and encourages good risk management.

Consolidated Basel Framework – disclosure requirements (DIS)

This standard sets out disclosure requirements, which aim to encourage market discipline.

Consolidated Basel Framework – core principles for effective banking supervision (BCP)

The Basel Core Principles provide a comprehensive standard for establishing a sound foundation for the regulation, supervision, governance and risk management of the banking sector.

Consolidated Basel Framework – scope and definitions (SCO)

This standard describes the scope of application of the Basel Framework.
Last updated: December 2022

Consolidated Basel Framework – definition of capital (CAP)

This standard describes the criteria that bank capital instruments must meet to be eligible to satisfy the Basel capital requirements, as well as necessary regulatory adjustments and transitional arrangements.

Consolidated Basel Framework – risk based capital requirements (RBC)

This standard describes the framework for risk-based capital requirements.

Consolidated Basel Framework – calculation of RWA for credit risk (CRE)

This standard describes how to calculate capital requirements for credit risk.
Last updated: December 2022

Recommendations for a framework assessing leverage in investment funds

Drawing on established national and regional regimes for measuring, collecting and analysing information related to leverage in funds, IOSCO has developed a two-step framework – the “Leverage Framework' – to facilitate more meaningful monitoring of leverage in funds for financial stability purposes in a consistent manner across jurisdictions.

Guiding principles for the operationalisation of a sectoral countercyclical capital buffer

These guiding principles are intended to support the implementation of a sectoral countercyclical capital buffer on a consistent basis across jurisdictions.

Insurance Core Principles, Standards, Guidance and Assessment Methodology

The IAIS has issued the Insurance Core Principles (ICPs) as the globally accepted framework for insurance supervision. The ICPs seek to encourage the maintenance of consistently high supervisory standards in IAIS member jurisdictions. A sound supervisory system is necessary for the protection of policyholders and promoting the stability of the financial system and should address the broad set of risks within, and posed by, the insurance sector.


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