Financial Regulation and Supervision

Guidance on Public Policy Objectives for Deposit Insurance Systems

This Guidance Paper provides a set of supporting guidance points for the effective implementation of Principle 1 (“Public Policy Objectives') of the IADI Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems.

Guidance on Digital Identity

FATF Guidance on Digital Identity

Clock Synchronisation

IOSCO Recommendation: Market Authorities should consider requiring Trading Venues and their participants within their jurisdiction to synchronise, consistent with industry standards, the business clocks they use to record the date and time of any reportable event. Where they do so, business clocks should be synchronised to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Consolidated Basel Framework – scope and definitions (SCO)

This standard describes the scope of application of the Basel Framework.
Last updated: December 2022

Consolidated Basel Framework – definition of capital (CAP)

This standard describes the criteria that bank capital instruments must meet to be eligible to satisfy the Basel capital requirements, as well as necessary regulatory adjustments and transitional arrangements.

Consolidated Basel Framework – risk based capital requirements (RBC)

This standard describes the framework for risk-based capital requirements.

Consolidated Basel Framework – calculation of RWA for credit risk (CRE)

This standard describes how to calculate capital requirements for credit risk.
Last updated: December 2022

Consolidated Basel Framework – calculation of RWA for market risk (MAR)

This standard describes how to calculate capital requirements for market risk and credit valuation adjustment risk.
Last updated: December 2022

Consolidated Basel Framework – calculation of RWA for operational risk (OPE)

This standard describes how to calculate capital requirements for operational risk.

Consolidated Basel Framework – leverage ratio (LEV)

This standard describes the simple, transparent, non-risk-based leverage ratio. This measure intends to restrict the build-up of leverage in the banking sector and reinforce the risk-based requirements with a simple, non-risk-based "backstop" measure.


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