Financial Regulation and Supervision

Guidance on correspondent banking services

This guidance explains the FATF’s requirements in the context of correspondent banking services and clarifies that the FATF Recommendations do not require correspondent financial institutions to conduct customer due diligence on each individual customer of their respondent institutions’ customers.

Guidance on the application of the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision to the regulation and supervision of institutions relevant to financial inclusion

This document is an additional guidance in the application of the Committee's Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision to the supervision of financial institutions engaged in serving the financially unserved and underserved.

Guiding principles on the temporary funding needed to support the orderly resolution of a global systemically important bank (“G-SIB”)

The principles are intended to assist authorities in their resolution planning and address the risk of banks having insufficient liquidity to maintain the continuity of critical functions in resolution.

Guidance on Arrangements to Support Operational Continuity in Resolution

This Guidance should assist supervisory and resolution authorities and firms to evaluate whether firms that are subject to resolution planning requirements have appropriate arrangements to support operational continuity if the firm enters resolution.

Global Systemically Important Insurers: Updated Assessment Methodology

The document sets out an updated Assessment Methodology (2016 Methodology) for global systemically important insurers (G-SIIs).

Systemic Risk from Insurance Product Features (previously referred to as Non-traditional Noninsurance activities and products)

The document provides a framework that explains why certain product features and related activities may raise the potential for an insurer to pose systemic risk upon failure, and describes the rationale for the IAIS’ discontinuation of the Non-traditional Noninsurance (NTNI) product label.

Guidance for a risk-based approach for money or value transfer services

This non-binding Guidance is intended to assist countries and their competent authorities, as well as the practitioners in the Money or Value Transfer Services (MVTS) sector and in the banking sector that have or are considering MVTS providers as customers, to apply the risk-based approach associated to MVTS.

Application Paper on the Regulation and Supervision of Captive Insurers

This paper provides guidance to insurance supervisors on the application of aspects of regulation and supervision specifically relevant to captive insurers or reinsurers.

Regulatory framework for haircuts on non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions

The regulatory framework for haircuts on non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions (SFTs) is intended to limit the build-up of excessive leverage outside the banking system, and to help reduce procyclicality of that leverage.

Standards for the Custody of Collective Investment Schemes’ Assets

This report seeks to clarify, modernise and further develop standards for the custody of "Collective Investment Schemes assets" consistent with the IOSCO Principles, including standards relating to the custody of CIS assets and standards relating to the appointment and ongoing engagement of custodians.


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