Effects of Reforms

Evaluation on Effects of G20 Reforms on Securitisation: Summary Terms of Reference

Information on the objectives, scope and process of the FSB’s evaluation of G20 securitisation reforms.

FSB Plenary statement on recent market developments

FSB Plenary releases statement following their regular meeting on 28 March.

Call for papers: 2023 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA)

FSB's call for papers on the ‘Effects of Financial Reforms on Securitisation Markets’ for 2023 CEBRA conference.

Assessment of the Effectiveness of the FSB’s 2017 Recommendations on Liquidity Mismatch in Open-Ended Funds

Report presents findings on the effectiveness of the FSB Recommendations to address liquidity mismatch in OEFs and proposes follow-up policy work based on those findings.

FSB proposes strengthening the liquidity management framework for open-ended funds

Report assesses effectiveness of the 2017 FSB Recommendations to address vulnerabilities from liquidity mismatch in open-ended funds (OEFs) and proposes further policy work to enhance OEF resilience.

Promoting Global Financial Stability: 2022 FSB Annual Report

Report presents the FSB’s high-level assessment of current vulnerabilities in the global financial system; describes its ongoing financial stability work; and reports on the implementation and effects of G20 reforms.

FSB publishes annual report on its work to promote global financial stability

2022 annual report to the G20 describes the financial stability outlook, the FSB’s priority areas of work and the implementation and effects of the financial regulatory reforms.

Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic from a financial stability perspective: Final report

This final report updates the assessment of lessons learnt for financial stability from the COVID-19 pandemic and outlines actions by the FSB and other standard-setting bodies in response to those lessons.

2021 FSB Annual Report

Report presents the FSB’s high-level assessment of current vulnerabilities in the global financial system; describes its ongoing financial stability work; and reports on the implementation and effects of G20 reforms.

FSB’s revamped Annual Report describes its work to promote global financial stability

The Annual Report has been redesigned to be more forward-looking and encompassing so that it describes the FSB’s work to promote global financial stability.


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