FSB publishes progress report and 2017 workplan to assess and address the decline in correspondent banking

Report sets out actions and 2017 workplan to address the decline in correspondent banking.

Financial Stability Board agrees 2017 workplan

FSB Plenary meets to discuss emerging vulnerabilities, implementation and effects of reforms, market-based finance, CCP resolution, G-SIFIs, climate risk disclosure, correspondent banking, misconduct and FinTech.

FSB reports to G20 Leaders on financial regulatory reforms

FSB report shows reforms are working and no major unintended consequences from the G20 financial regulatory reforms.

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Leaders – Building a resilient and open global financial system to support sustainable cross-border investment

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Leaders in advance of their meeting in Hangzhou on 4-5 September.

Implementation and Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms

The second annual report to G20 on the implementation and effects of the agreed financial regulatory reforms.

Implementation and Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms – Dashboard

Dashboard from the second annual report to the G20 on the status of implementation by FSB jurisdictions in priority reform areas.

FSB publishes progress report to G20 on action plan to assess and address the decline in correspondent banking

FSB reports on progress implementing its four-point action plan to address the decline in correspondent banking.

Progress report to G20 on the FSB action plan to assess and address the decline in correspondent banking

Progress report to the G20 on actions to implement the FSB four-point action plan to address the decline in correspondent banking.

Meeting of the Financial Stability Board in Chengdu on 21 July

FSB Plenary meets to discuss emerging vulnerabilities, annual report on implementation and effects, macroprudential frameworks and tools, CCPs, effective resolution regimes, OTC derivatives trade reporting, the decline in correspondent banking, reducing misconduct, plus accounting and audit issues.

Meeting of the Financial Stability Board in Tokyo on 30-31 March

FSB Plenary meets to discuss emerging vulnerabilities, asset management and market liquidity risks, shadow banking, climate risks, fin tech, CCP resilience and macroprudential tools as well as issues of particular relevance to EMDEs.


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