FSB statement of support for using the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations as the basis for climate-related disclosures
Climate-related Risks
21 December 2020
8 December 2020
FSB holds virtual meeting of the Regional Consultative Group for Americas.
3 December 2020
FSB holds virtual meeting of the Regional Consultative Group for Sub-Saharan Africa.
23 November 2020
Report analyses the potential cross-border transmission and amplification of climate-related risks and sets out next steps.
23 November 2020
FSB analyses how climate-related risks might impact, or be amplified by, the financial system, including across borders.
29 October 2020
Disclosure has steadily increased since the recommendations of the FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures were published in 2017.
Annual report on TCFD-aligned disclosures by firms.
14 October 2020
Technology and innovation are transforming the global financial landscape, presenting opportunities, risks and challenges.
14 October 2020
FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles’ letter to the G20 ahead of their October virtual meeting.
Report on FSB members’ work on financial stability implications of climate risks.