Recommendations to promote the consistency and comprehensiveness of regulatory, supervisory and oversight approaches to crypto-asset activities and markets and to strengthen international cooperation, coordination and information sharing.
Reports to the G20
11 October 2022
This report contains a review with proposals to update the FSB’s high-level recommendations of October 2020 for the regulation, supervision, and oversight of “global stablecoin” arrangements.
10 October 2022
This report summarises progress during the second year of the roadmap and confirms the next steps for 2023 and beyond.
10 October 2022
This note outlines the FSB’s prioritisation plan and engagement model for taking the cross-border payments roadmap forward.
This first annual progress report presents a consolidated update on the progress made by the standard-setting bodies and relevant international organisations, across a wide variety of initiatives to assess and address the financial risk from climate change, and identifies areas that continue to require attention.
FSB Chair Klaas Knot’s letter to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors ahead of their July meeting in Bali.
13 July 2022
Report discusses strategies to exit from or amend extraordinary policies while supporting equitable recovery and addressing effects from COVID-19 scarring in the financial sector in light of recent developments.
This report, which forms part of the FSB’s work programme on non-bank financial intermediation, presents the findings of FSB work with IMF staff on the interaction between US dollar (USD) funding and external vulnerabilities in emerging market economies (EMEs).
FSB Chair’s letter discusses current challenges for financial stability following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the FSB’s work to bolster financial system resilience.
17 February 2022
FSB Chair’s letter outlines the FSB’s policy work to promote global financial resilience in 2022.