Reports to the G20

Progress Report to the G20 on Strengthening the Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking

FSB Chair’s Letter to G20 Ministers and Governors on financial regulatory reforms

FSB Chair provided an update to the G20 on progress towards (i) building resilient financial institutions; (ii) ending "too big to fail"; (iii) strengthening the oversight and regulation of shadow banking activities; (iv) completing OTC derivatives and other reforms to create continuous core markets; and (v) implementing agreed G20 reforms in a timely and consistent manner.

Extending the G-SIFI Framework to Domestic Systemically Important Banks

This report describes progress made to extend the SIFI framework to banks that are systemically important in a domestic context (D-SIBs)

FSB Chair Letter to G20 Leaders on Progress of Financial Regulatory Reforms

  To G20 Leaders Progress of Financial Regulatory Reforms The FSB and its members have continued to make good progress on the broad program of financial reforms started at the Washington Summit. The Cannes Summit marks delivery of internationally agreed policy measures to markedly reduce the risks posed by systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs). These […]

Overview of Progress in the Implementation of the G20 Recommendations for Strengthening Financial Stability

Since the onset of the global financial crisis, the G20 has established core elements of a new global financial regulatory framework that will make the financial system more resilient and better able to serve the needs of the real economy. National authorities and international bodies, with the Financial Stability Board (FSB) as a central locus […]

Overview of Progress in the Implementation of the G20 Recommendations for Strengthening Financial Stability

Since the onset of the global financial crisis, the G20 has established core elements of a new global financial regulatory framework that will make the financial system more resilient and better able to serve the needs of the real economy. National authorities and international bodies, with the Financial Stability Board (FSB) as a central locus […]

Macroprudential Policy Tools and Frameworks – Progress Report to G20

In November 2010, G20 Leaders “called on the FSB, IMF and BIS to do further work on macroprudential policy frameworks, including tools to mitigate the impact of excessive capital flows, and update Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors at their next meeting.” They noted that “these frameworks should take into account national and regional arrangements” […]

The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps – Second Implementation Progress Report

This report updates on progress by the FSB Secretariat and IMF staff in implementing the 20 recommendations in the November 2009 report endorsed by the G20.

Progress in the Implementation of the G20 Recommendations for Strengthening Financial Stability

This report provides an overview of work underway to implement the G20 recommendations for strengthening financial stability. It focuses on international policy development and implementation that has taken place since the G20 Finance Ministers and Governors meeting in February 2011.

Macroprudential policy tools and frameworks – Update to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors


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