Reports to the G20

Progress Report on the Oversight and Governance Framework for Financial Benchmark Reform

This report discusses work underway as at August 2013 under the auspices of the FSB to review major interest rate benchmarks.

Update on financial regulatory factors affecting the supply of long-term investment finance

G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors have recently emphasised the importance of long-term financing for investment, including in infrastructure, in enhancing economic growth and job creation. At the meeting of the Ministers and Governors in November 2012, the FSB was asked to undertake diagnostic work, together with other relevant international organisations (IOs), to assess […]

An Overview of Policy Recommendations for Shadow Banking

Abstract At the 2011 Summit meeting in Cannes, the G20 Leaders agreed to develop policies to deal with the fault lines exposed by the financial crisis in that part of the financial system that extends credit but is outside the regular banking sector: the so-called “shadow banking system”. Those fault lines centred on a heavy […]

FSB identifies G-SIIs and the Policy Measures that will Apply to Them

The FSB identifies the first group of 9 global systemically important insurers (G-SIIs) and the policy measures that apply to them.

FSB Chair’s Letter to G20 Ministers and Governors on financial reforms

FSB Chair reports on progress in three key areas of reform to create a more resilient global financial system. They include implementation of the Basel III capital and liquidity requirements, implementation of reforms to resolution regimes and implementation of OTC derivatives reforms.

Implementing the FSB Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes – how far have we come?

At their February meeting this year, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors reiterated their commitment to ensure that all global systemically important financial institutions (G-SIFIs) are resolvable, and requested a report on progress. Authorities have made continued efforts to develop resolution strategies and operational plans for all G-SIFIs and to introduce resolution powers […]

Financial regulatory factors affecting the availability of long-term investment finance

The most important contribution of financial regulatory reforms to LT investment finance is to promote a safer, sounder and therefore more resilient financial system. If implemented in timely and consistent manner, these reforms will help rebuild confidence in the global financial system, which will enhance its ability to intermediate financial flows through the cycle and […]

Meeting of the G20 Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors: Update by the IASB and FASB

FSB Chair’s Letter to G20 Ministers and Governors on financial regulatory reforms

FSB Chair reviews the progress made in implementation of financial regulatory reforms, provides an assessment of the effect of the G20 financial regulatory programme on the availability of long term investment finance, and highlights FSB's priorities and work plans.

Implementing the Global Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) System – A Charter for the Regulatory Oversight Committee and Report on Progress

This note seeks the endorsement of the draft Charter for the ROC and reports on progress on other major elements of the LEI work programme: governance; operations; and relationship data.


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