FSB Chair calls for further progress implementing non-bank financial intermediation reforms
Reports to the G20
18 July 2024
Report takes stock of regulatory and supervisory initiatives on the identification and assessment of nature-related financial risks.
26 February 2024
FSB Chair Klaas Knot’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors ahead of their February meeting in São Paolo, Brazil.
12 October 2023
Annual report takes stock of progress made over the past year by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), by national and regional authorities, and by firms in making disclosures.
Sixth and final report from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) assesses firms’ disclosure practices in terms of their alignment with the 2017 TCFD Recommendations.
11 October 2023
Report presents the FSB’s assessment of current and emerging vulnerabilities in the global financial system and reflections from the March banking turmoil; outlines the FSB’s work to address these vulnerabilities; and reports on the implementation and effects of G20 financial reforms.
10 October 2023
Report reviews the events of March 2023 in Switzerland, the US, and the UK, the handling of distressed banks, and the implications for the effective operationalisation and implementation of the FSB’s Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions.
9 October 2023
Report discusses the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will, over time, provide estimates of progress toward meeting the cross-border payments targets across three market segments: wholesale, retail and remittances.
9 October 2023
Annual progress report sets out the main insights from the key performance indicators monitoring report and outlines progress on priority themes, including some examples of concrete improvements that have been made or that are underway.
7 September 2023
Paper describes how the policy and regulatory frameworks for crypto-assets developed by the IMF and the FSB (alongside standard-setting bodies) fit together and interact with each other.