This letter reports on progress in financial reforms and highlights the major issues for the attention of G20 Leaders, with an attached dashboard summarising the status of implementation of priority reforms.
Reports to the G20
14 November 2014
14 November 2014
This document sets out the FSB’s approach to transforming shadow banking into resilient market-based financing to date, and the next steps (roadmap) for 2015.
14 November 2014
This document describes the progress made by the FSB and its members to promote financial stability and strengthen the resilience of the global financial system since the G20 St Petersburg Summit in September 2013.
12 November 2014
This report finds continuing, though incomplete, progress in the reform of resolution regimes and resolution planning and identifies areas where further work is needed.
27 October 2014
This report discusses recent structural banking reforms, their objectives and main elements, and cross-border considerations.
The report highlights the progress since the start of the Data Gaps Initiative (DGI) in 2009, provides benchmarks to determine when to call DGI recommendations complete, and outlines a future work plan.
21 September 2014
FSB Chair provided an update to the G20 on progress toward correcting the fault lines that led to the global crisis and to build safer, more resilient sources of finance to serve better the needs of the real economy.
16 September 2014
FSB updates G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on financial regulatory factors affecting the supply of long-term investment finance.
11 September 2014
The letter describes the work by the IMF, FSB and BIS to address data gaps involving foreign currency exposures.
11 April 2014
This letter summarises the progress to complete the programme of reform for the Brisbane summit, begins to look ahead to plans for implementation beyond Brisbane, and summarises the initial findings of the FSB review of representation.