Updates to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on further work on market fragmentation.
Reports to the G20
14 October 2019
13 October 2019
Randal K. Quarles’ letter to the G20 ahead of meetings in Washington D.C.
25 June 2019
Letter from the FSB Chair to G20 Leaders ahead of their Summit in Osaka.
Summary progress report delivered to the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Osaka.
Public consultation on the impact of G20 financial regulatory reforms on SME financing.
6 June 2019
Report on the use of distributed ledger technologies and peer-to-peer lending.
TCFD report on the disclosures of companies against the core elements of the TCFD recommendations.
4 June 2019
Report to the G20 on actions to address market fragmentation.
Report to the G20 on work to address risks from crypto-assets.
29 May 2019
Monitoring report on implementation of the FSB’s March 2018 recommendations to address remittance services providers’ access to banking services.