This is the FSB’s third progress report on implementation of OTC derivatives market reforms.
13 June 2012
This report describes the developments in implementing the FSB Principles and Standards (P&S) in their national regulation or supervisory guidance over the relatively short time period since the October 2011 thematic peer review.
This report sets out recommendations and proposals to implement a global Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) system that will uniquely identify parties to financial transactions.
Note: An amendment to the Annex A of the Charter (List of Members) was adopted and published on 26 March 2015.
6 May 2012
Public comments received on the interim report on securities lending and repos published in April 2012 . The feedback will serve as an input to FSB's workstream on securities lending and repos.
27 April 2012
This consultative document reviews current market practices and has identified a number of issues that might pose risks to financial stability.Comments should be submitted by 25 May 2012 by email to [email protected] or post.
27 April 2012
20 April 2012
FSB Chair provided an update to the G20 on progress towards (i) building resilient financial institutions; (ii) ending "too big to fail"; (iii) strengthening the oversight and regulation of shadow banking activities; (iv) completing OTC derivatives and other reforms to create continuous core markets; and (v) implementing agreed G20 reforms in a timely and consistent manner.