This consultative document asks questions relating to systemically important insurers. The FSB welcomes comments and responses to these questions by Monday, 15 December 2014.
This version of the Key Attributes incorporates guidance on their application to non-bank financial institutions and on arrangements for information sharing to support the effective resolution.
14 October 2014
Consultation on a proposal to cover non-bank-to-non-bank transactions and sets out the regulatory framework for haircuts on non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions.
14 October 2014
This background document examines the procyclicality of haircuts on non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions and their role during the global financial crisis.
30 September 2014
This report sets out reform recommendations for major FX benchmark rates, responding to concerns around the integrity of these rates.
The third report prepared by Enhanced Disclosure Task Force presents the progress made in application of the recommendations in its first report Enhancing the Risk Disclosures of Banks, October 2012.
29 September 2014
This consultative document contains a set of proposals to achieve cross-border recognition of resolution actions and remove impediments to resolution. Comments are welcomed by 1 December 2014.
The report highlights the progress since the start of the Data Gaps Initiative (DGI) in 2009, provides benchmarks to determine when to call DGI recommendations complete, and outlines a future work plan.
21 September 2014
FSB Chair provided an update to the G20 on progress toward correcting the fault lines that led to the global crisis and to build safer, more resilient sources of finance to serve better the needs of the real economy.
19 September 2014
This study examines options around global aggregated OTC derivatives trade repositories data and proposes next steps needed to enable such a project to be launched.