FSB proposal to G20 recommends creation of task force to consider climate change risk.
9 November 2015
6 November 2015
Report to the G20 on emerging findings shows a reduction in correspondent banking and sets out planned steps to address this reduction.
6 November 2015
Update on the FSB-coordinated work on addressing misconduct in the financial industry.
5 November 2015
The peer review examines three topics relevant for financial stability and important for Saudi Arabia: the macroprudential policy framework; bank resolution; and deposit insurance.
4 November 2015
FSB peer review on trade reporting of over-the-counter derivatives shows implementation progress but highlights issues on legal barriers and data quality.
Tenth Progress Report on Implementation: FSB report provides an update on the implementation of the agreed G20 reforms to over-the-counter derivatives market.
3 November 2015
FSB publishes guiding principles on statutory and contractual mechanisms to give cross-border effect to resolution actions in accordance with the Key Attributes.
Guidance to ensure host regulators are given sufficient information by home regulators on SIFI resolution where a firm is systemic for a host market.
3 November 2015
FSB launches consultation on the principles authorities should consider for ensuring the provision of temporary funding for G-SIBs during resolution.
3 November 2015
FSB consults on operational continuity in resolution guidance to ensure market participants have confidence resolution strategies and plans can be implemented effectively.