FSB evaluation finds too-big-to-fail reforms have made banks more resilient and resolvable, but some gaps still need to be addressed to realise the full benefits of reforms.
31 March 2021
An overview of responses to the June 2020 consultation on the evaluation of the effects of the too-big-to-fail reforms for systemically important banks.
31 March 2021
26 February 2021
Peer review on implementation of over-the-counter derivatives market reforms in Indonesia.
25 February 2021
FSB Chair updates Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on the FSB’s ambitious 2021 work plan, which seeks to address vulnerabilities directly related to COVID-19; and support strong, sustainable growth in a post-COVID world.
22 January 2021
Consultation responses to ‘Regulatory and Supervisory Issues Relating to Outsourcing and Third-Party Relationships: Discussion paper‘.
20 January 2021
Annual work programme and publication timetable for the FSB
22 December 2020
The FSB supports the recommended approach by the Trustees of the IFRS Foundation to initially focus on standards for climate-related financial disclosures, as an important initiative to promote globally consistent disclosures and avoiding fragmentation.
16 December 2020
Report provides new information on global trends and risks in non-bank financial intermediation.
9 December 2020
Main takeaways of the 23 September 2020 outreach meeting on continuity of access to FMIs for firms in resolution