SCBR is responsible for the assessment of the resource needs of the FSB Secretariat and for its medium-term budget and resource framework.
21 January 2016
Full membership of the TCFD is announced with the Task Force set to issue recommendations for public consultation by end-2016.
7 December 2015
FSB publishes updates from the Enhanced Disclosure Task Force.
4 December 2015
FSB holds meeting of the Americas RCG in Barbados.
4 December 2015
FSB holds meeting of the SSA RCG in Cape Town.
4 December 2015
Mark Carney announces establishment of industry-led disclosure task force on climate-related financial risks under the chairmanship of Michael R. Bloomberg.
30 November 2015
FSB holds meeting of the RCG for the Commonwealth of Independent States in Moscow.
19 November 2015
The FSB publishes the findings of the peer review of Turkey.
18 November 2015
FSB publishes final standards and processes for data collection and aggregation for securities financing transactions, to better monitor securities financing markets for financial stability purposes.