UTI will provide a global harmonised identifier to facilitate aggregation of transaction reports about OTC derivatives markets.
2 January 2018
21 December 2017
Methodology will be used to assess implementation of international standard on resolution regimes for insurers.
14 December 2017
Responses sought from financial and non-financial participants in OTC derivatives markets.
13 December 2017
RCG for the Americas meets in Nassau.
12 December 2017
RCG for the CIS meets in Moscow.
7 December 2017
BCBS agreement improves the comparability of banks’ risk-weighted assets and reinforces the credibility of the bank capital framework.
6 December 2017
FSB peer review of Korea examines the crisis management and resolution framework, and the regulation and supervision of non-bank depository institutions.
30 November 2017
Consultations provide guidance on implementation of the Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for global systemically important banks (G-SIBs).
28 November 2017
FSB holds meeting of RCG for Asia in Sydney.
21 November 2017
FSB releases 2017 list of global systemically important banks.