At its meeting in Rome today, the FSB assessed vulnerabilities affecting the financial system, and made decisions needed to progress major initiatives to strengthen the resiliency of the financial system.
Press Releases
5 April 2011
1 April 2011
The review finds that FSB member jurisdictions have successfully prompted financial institutions to improve their disclosure of exposures to structured credit products.
18 March 2011
The peer review report provides a comprehensive picture of existing mortgage underwriting practices and regulatory oversight and enforcement to implement such practices.
19 February 2011
7 February 2011
The report finds that the Spanish financial system weathered the initial brunt of the financial crisis relatively well, primarily due to a strong regulatory stance and sound supervision.
7 February 2011
The report examines the steps taken or planned by national authorities to address Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) recommendations concerning financial regulation and supervision as well as institutional and market infrastructure.
11 November 2010
Press Release: FSB Report on reducing the moral hazard posed by systemically important financial institutions