FSB reports on progress implementing its four-point action plan to address the decline in correspondent banking.
Press Releases
25 August 2016
18 August 2016
FSB publishes further guidance on resolution planning and fifth report to the G20 on progress in resolution.
17 August 2016
FSB publishes the findings of the peer review of India, which focused on the macroprudential policy framework and the regulation and supervision of finance companies.
16 August 2016
FSB discussion note sets out options for essential elements of CCP resolution planning as part of coordinated workplan to address risks from CCPs.
8 August 2016
FSB invites feedback on areas covered in the review, including amongst others, ensuring the basis for an effective governance framework and the responsibilities of the board.
24 July 2016
FSB publishes letter sent to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in advance of their meeting in Chengdu on 23-24 July.
FSB Plenary meets to discuss emerging vulnerabilities, annual report on implementation and effects, macroprudential frameworks and tools, CCPs, effective resolution regimes, OTC derivatives trade reporting, the decline in correspondent banking, reducing misconduct, plus accounting and audit issues.
19 July 2016
FSB publishes update on 2014 recommendations to reform IBORs.
22 June 2016
FSB consults on proposed policy recommendations to address structural vulnerabilities from asset management activities.
FSB provides guidance on issues for authorities to consider in resolution planning for systemically important insurers.